
Conversations that shift your perspective and changes your life

Coaching conversations enables clients to embrace a more empowered and resourceful mindset that aligns with their desired outcomes and personal growth journey,some of the techniques used are:

Summary and Reframing

This restructuring method refers to the coach's summarizing what he or she has learned from the client and suggesting alternate beliefs or assumptions based on the client’s image. This is generally a first step in restructuring, as it is a gentle introduction to the idea of changing what may be deeply or even unconsciously held beliefs.

Directed Dialogue: identify inner conflicts

Directed Dialogue is a therapeutic technique used to facilitate exploration and resolution of internal conflicts, emotional issues, or unresolved experiences. In this technique, the therapist guides the client through a structured conversation where they take on the role of different aspects of their inner experience, such as emotions, thoughts, or parts of themselves.

To access parts of you that are behaving or communicating in ineffective or limiting ways

Prompted Dialogue: encourages self-reflection

In Prompted Dialogue, the therapist provides prompts or questions to the client, inviting them to explore their thoughts, feelings, and experiences in a deeper way. These prompts are designed to encourage self-reflection, introspection, and insight generation.

Conversations that encourage self-reflection to rewire your mind to enable you to shift your own perspective.

Directed Transformation

This technique also has the potential to be very powerful. In directed transformation, the therapist will direct the client to make a change to the image. The change may be to direct one of the individuals in the image to take a new action or to edit, enhance, or erase an object from the image.

Changes the way you think about the situation, through your representations of the person and or situation

Prompted Transformation

Like prompted dialogue, this technique gives the client a bit more freedom to make their own changes to the image. Instead of directing the client in exactly how to change the image, the coach will encourage the client to think of a way to change the image that will further a goal or help it become more positive

Changes the way you think about the situation, through your representations of the person and or situation


Transformative coaching conversations

Have any questions?

If you have any questions about the therapies, feel free to contact us.